About me…in balls.golf

NO I'm very good at golf. I'm not a PGA professional and all that.

You know, that thing about every now and then you send the ball into orbit for a while (not to say anything else) with Elon Musk's satellites.

All that crap about double-digit handicaps and blah blah blah. But I have a secret:

I love play golf. I have a blast. If I had time, I would play 36 holes a day.

Golf in my life It arrives when I least expected it but when I needed it most.

Yes, you read that right, golf is needed. When you like something, you try to indulge yourself, but when you are passionate about it, you identify how good it is for you and you embrace it – it’s not a hobby. It’s you, reuniting with the child you should never have left behind. Obviously there is a barrier to entry, but It is not economical, although many will tell you yes and fall into prejudice and stereotype.

It's a mental barrier.

The same mental barrier that Seve destroyed by hitting balls against a net inside a stable to train, using the 4 iron that his brother gave him as his only equipment, or practicing on the sand at the beach, or jumping over the fence of the Pedreña golf course on nights when the moon was full enough to illuminate the course.

En bolas golf

I started Neither too early nor too late and in a difficult stage, that difficulty that life shares with Golf. In a baptism organized by a friend, like a rope that is thrown to you when you are somewhat shipwrecked. That is, The game, not just a sport. The Game.

I do not intend to indoctrinateIf you want a golf bible, the 5 lessons from good old Ben Hogan.

I’m not going to give you “5 quick steps/tricks” to play twice as well in 10 minutes, if that’s what you’re looking for I suggest you stop reading this, grab your bag of clubs and get your ass in the direction of your nearest facility and pro.

I intend to start this as a golf ball buyer's guide. Let's build a community around that and go as far as we want together.

We are on the 1st tee and I grant you the honor. Welcome to Golf balls!


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