How to know where to drop (Golf)

You just have to determine the relief area where your ball is allowed to rest when you release it at the new location (i.e., at the "drop it«).

I'll tell you what it's all about here in 3 min. of reading

Warning: This article briefly summarizes how to act in one or more of the most common situations according to the Rules of Golf, but in no way replaces the book with the original text, which should be consulted at all times and when any doubt arises. At the end of this article I leave you a link to it.

What is relief in golf?

In golf, "relief" It is the right to move the ball to a better position (drop or drop) within an allowed area without penalty or with penalty, depending on the situation. It applies when certain conditions on the course affect a player's stroke or when it is decided not to play the ball from its original location.

🛑 When do you need to determine a relief area?

It is used when a rule allows you to move the ball without penalty or when you decide to take penalty relief. The most common cases are:
✔️ Immovable obstructions (example: paved roads, signs, sprinklers).
✔️ Abnormal field conditions (example: accidental water, land under repair).
✔️ Unplayable ball (when you decide that your ball is in a position from which you cannot or do not want to play).
✔️ Penalty area (when the ball has landed in a lake, stream or other obstacle subject to penalty).

📏 How to determine the relief area step by step

1️⃣ Identify the reference point 🏌️‍♂️

This It's not where the ball fell, but the place from which the relief area will be measured. It is defined by the rule you are applying:

For relief without penalty (example: immovable obstructions or abnormal course conditions):
👉 The choice is made nearest point of relief, that is, the nearest place where the interference disappears (without getting close to the hole).

For penalty relief (example: unplayable ball or penalty area):
👉 Depending on the option you choose, the reference point can be:

  • Where the ball rested (if you take relief two sticks away).
  • Where the ball crossed the edge of the penalty area (if you take relief in line with the hole).
  • Where you played the previous shot (if you decide to repeat the hit).

2️⃣ Measure the distance allowed for dropping 📏

The rule states different areas of relief depending on the situation:

  • 1 stick in length 🏌️ → For relief without penalty (immovable obstructions, ground under repair, casual water, interference on the putting green).
  • 2 sticks in length 🏌️ → For penalty relief (unplayable ball or ball leaving a penalty area two club-lengths away).
  • In line with the hole 📍 → Option available for unplayable ball or red or yellow penalty area (a point is chosen on the line that joins the original ball with the hole and can be dropped no distance limit backward).

🔹 Important: It is always measured with the longest stick in the bag, except the putter.

3️⃣ Delimit the relief area correctly 🛑

Once you have the reference point and relief distance, trace mentally or with tees the area where you can drop the ball.

4️⃣ Dropping the ball correctly 🏌️

Once you have marked the relief area, you must drop the ball following the official rules:

You must release the ball from knee height with arm extended downwards.
Must fall within the relief area.
✅ Yes rolls out of the area, you must drop again without penalty.
✅ If the ball moves outside the area a second time, Place it on the spot where it touched the ground the second time you dropped it..

🚨 Common Dropping Mistakes (Avoid These to Avoid Penalties!)

Dropping from an incorrect height → It must be from the knee; if you release it from the shoulder or above, you must repeat the drop without penalty.
Drop outside the relief area → The ball must fall within the marked area; if it falls outside, you must repeat the drop without penalty.
Playing a ball that has rolled out of the relief area → If the ball ends up outside the area after the drop and you play it, you will receive a penalty.
Not measuring the relief area correctly → Using the wrong club to measure (for example, a putter instead of a driver) can cause you to drop in the wrong area.

🔎 Practical example

Imagine your ball lands on a paved road (an immovable obstruction). You want relief without penalty:

1️⃣ You determine the nearest point of relief → You look for the nearest place where there is no interference with the road, without getting close to the hole.
2️⃣ You measure a stick away from that point (using the longest club in your bag, except the putter).
3️⃣ You mentally mark the relief area → It is a semicircle around the reference point with a radius of one stick in length.
4️⃣ You drop the ball from the knee within the marked area.
5️⃣ If the ball remains inside the relief area, you play from there without penalty..

dropar golf

To access the official book of the Royal Spanish Golf Federation that contains the text with the 25 Rules of Golf, use this link.

I also put here the access to the video «A Quick Guide to the Rules of Golf», produced by the Royal and Ancient, the institution that co-writes the rules. It is in English but you can add subtitles if necessary. See you on the greens!
