Sorry, this article isn't going to improve your approach in a few easy steps, we love this sport and we know that enjoying it comes in part from the difficulty involved. But we can give you some tips that may help.
The coup of approach or coup approach This is a coup that is part of the so-called short game, whose objective is to leave your ball on the green as close to the flag as possible or inside the hole.
There are several things you can do To improve your approach in golf, the first thing you can do is develop a good pre-shot routine. This routine should include remembering to breathe and focus on the task at hand. You can also take a practice shot and plan your shot before you hit it.
Your initial position or "stance" and a good grip (the way you hold the club) is the basis of any golf shot, as is remembering to stay relaxed and not get too tense before hitting the shot.
Choose the right team
When it comes to improving your approach in golf, It is important to choose the right stick for this type of game. At the time of the shot, you must evaluate the conditions of the course or if you play from the sand, etc.. to determine the most suitable club among those you have in your bag. At advanced levels, the ball quality It is also a factor to take into account if you want to print some effect on your hit like the spin.
For shorter shots, a pitch or a sand wedge is usually used. There are players who choose to carry 2 or even 3 sand wedges in their bag as these can be of different sizes. loft, which is the angle that the face of the club maintains with respect to a vertical line perpendicular to the ground, and is used to raise the flight of the ball more or less in your stroke.
I'll leave you a link in this paragraph if you want to explore the different models on Amazon. For longer shots you may need an iron or even occasionally a wood. In general, the lower the number on the club, the lower the trajectory and the more distance you can get in your goal of landing the ball on the green.
Focus on Goal and Alignment
Before the stance position, it is convenient try to visualize your strokeThat is, imagine the flight and behavior of the ball while you calmly observe your target.
Another important aspect to improve your approach in golf is the alignmentIt is important to align yourself and the club with the target properly before you hit your shot. Your shoulders, hips, knees and feet should all be in line with your target. Look at the spot on the green you want to aim for and align the clubface with that spot. Then slowly turn your body until you are in a comfortable position ready to hit your shot. Keeping your eyes on the ball and the target, take a practice shot to get the shot spot.
Take your time
Haste can lead to mistakes, hence the importance of taking your time to do it right. Remember that the rhythm of your stroke should be smooth to better control the destination of your ball. In addition, your approach swing should include the necessary turn in your upper body so that your arms and shoulders are properly coordinated. A good number of approach errors usually come from moving your hands and arms too much and forgetting the necessary turn so that your body follows the trajectory of the club. Remember also to lift the club enough so that when it hits the ball it arrives at the ideal angle with respect to the ground, thus avoiding unwanted effects.

Stay Positive
Golf is a mental game and encourages you to stay positive and focused on your shot. Don't get discouraged if you find yourself hitting a bad shot.
Instead, focus on the things you did well and try to learn from your mistakes.
It's also important to remember that not every shot will be perfect, and to keep a positive attitude and focus on the next shot. Maintaining a positive attitude can help you stay in the zone and play your best game.
Practice, practice, practice

Finally, one of the best things you can do to improve your approach in golf is to practice. Taking time to practice approach shots and work on technique can help you develop a better feel for the game and improve your results.
For example, try holding the club a little lower in the grip and see how you gain some control, also try opening up your stance a little and placing the ball in different positions in relation to your back foot. Regularly attending a driving range and taking the time to hit a few approach shots each day can help you improve your game and increase your confidence in your abilities. Go to a professional instructor or trainer to get the most out of your practice.